Argos Town Council Purchases Needed Equipment for Ambulances

The ambulances in service with the Argos EMS Department will be equipped with new LUCAS devices. 

Clerk-Treasurer Lisa Mullaney explained that EMS Director Sarah McCallum asked to purchase a newer model LUCAS device as the current device is aged and has served the department well.  A LUCAS device aids EMTs and paramedics in delivering chest compressions like CPR to provide life saving procedures to heart attack victims or for other emergency health situations. 

There was a comment that the device was instrumental in saving a resident’s life during a recent call. 

Mullaney said McCallum, who had left the meeting to respond to a call prior to her presentation, will be able to trade in the older device with Stryker for $5,000 to purchase a new device at a cost of $10,000.  She noted that this would be paid for out of the town’s EMS budget with no request for funding assistance from Walnut Township or Green Township.

Councilman Shawn Harley thought the town should just buy two devices for the EMS Department’s two ambulances at a cost of $25,000. 

Harley stated, “Say we’ve got a bad accident out on [U.S.] 31 and we have both ambulances rolling, both ambulances have people in them going and they need that same device on either ambulance and we only have one device.  What good is that?  To me, each unit outta have one on it.  I preached this at the end of the year that we need to keep these departments up to snuff on stuff.  I just don’t see the sense in buying just one myself.”

Mullaney noted that there is only one older Lucas device to trade in, and there will likely be additional appropriations at the end of the year with other equipment purchases slated throughout the rest of the year. 

Councilman Charles Randy Snead made a motion to purchase two devices and the council voted unanimously to approve the purchase.