Marshall County Planning Commission Denies Storage Container Ordinance

The Marshall County Planning Commission members recently acted on a recommendation by the Marshall County Commissioners to deny a storage containers ordinance. 

Marshall County Attorney Jim Clevenger asked the commissioners Monday morning to again motion to deny the proposed ordinance from the Planning Commission, but Commissioner Stan Klotz, who is a member of the Planning Commission, said the members voted 8-1 to support the commissioners’ recommendation to deny the ordinance at their meeting last week. 

Plan Director Ty Adley brought the recommended ordinance from the Planning Commission to the county commissioners for consideration in December. The ordinance would deny the use of shipping containers on properties in the county.  Coroner John Grolich did not agree with the proposed ordinance at that time as he said shipping containers of the Frisco Movers are free for fire departments for training and storage. 

Earlier this month, upon receiving an abundance of public comments outside of the meeting, the commissioners voted unanimously to deny the ordinance.