River Park Square Project Timeline Shared with Plymouth Redevelopment Commission

The timeline for the second phase of the River Park Square project in Plymouth was shared with the Plymouth Redevelopment Commission members Tuesday night.

City Attorney Sean Surrisi said it was provided by Grant Writer Shannon McLeod from Priority Project Resources. 

“This shows their anticipated schedule – working through some of the final things to get the application to OCRA for the state funding through Stellar approved,” commented Surrisi.  They look to have that application submitted early in April.”

The first public hearing on the project is anticipated to be held during the Plymouth City Council meeting on February 22.  The second public hearing would be on March 22 during the council’s meeting. 

The application would be submitted on April 10 with the approval on May 30.  Bid opening for the project would be August 9.

The second phase will include a pavilion closer to Garro Street, a natural playground, a sensory garden, Veterans Plaza, and concrete walkways.

The match money to fund the project will come out of TIF #2 that is overseen by the Plymouth Redevelopment Commission with coordination with the Plymouth Park Board.