Bremen Town Council Approves Hire of New Street Superintendent

The Bremen Town Council members considered a recommendation of a candidate to fill the separated position of street superintendent.

They agreed in October to create a separate street superintendent position.  The street superintendent duties were combined with the water and wastewater superintendent about 30 years ago, but it was suggested to separate those responsibilities. 

At the time, Water, Stormwater and Street Superintendent Alex Mikel said he would retain the water and storm water responsibilities and another candidate could oversee the street department.

The salary for the street superintendent would be in the range of $59,000 to $63,000 a year which can be supported in the 2021 budget.

During the council’s meeting Monday night, Bremen Director of Operations Trend Weldy said there were four applicants for the job.  After the interview process, he recommended Austin Langdon for the street superintendent’s position.  The council members approved the hire with a unanimous vote. 

Langdon will start in the role in January.