Marshall County Highway Department Brings Attention to Road Damage due to Iron Wheels

An image shown during the Marshall County Commissioners meeting that depicts road damage from iron wheels

Marshall County Highway Superintendent Jason Peters showed pictures to the Marshall County Commissioners last week where a farm implement with iron wheels with no tires reportedly caused damage to county roads.

The damages were seen in the areas of Ironwood Road, 18th Road and 18B Road. 

Commission President Kevin Overmyer suggested that something needs to be done and perhaps look into further protecting county roads by way of an ordinance amendment. 

County Attorney Jim Clevenger thought that the issue should be directed Sheriff Matt Hassel.  He also commented that more information will be gathered on whether or not it is in the state statute where vehicles of any kind need to have tires on the wheel to be operated on roads.    

Overmyer asked Peters to look at the damage done to the roads and see what the cost would be for repairs for possible further action. 

Commissioner Stan Klotz commented that the damage cannot continue and supports whatever needs to be done to protect the county’s roads.