Marshall County Council Works to Trim 2021 Budget

In order to make sure expenditures are within the levy figures produced by Marshall County Auditor Julie Fox, the Marshall County Council members worked for three hours Monday to trim down the 2021 budget to meet that expectation.

Fox mentioned that the council needed to reduce about $800,000 from the budget to stay within the levy and when discussions came to a close, over $847,000 was cut from the General Fund budget. 

The Marshall County Commissioners’ budget was cut several hundred thousand dollars as several items could be moved to be funded by other line items that were not in the General Fund.  A security officer position was eliminated, and the Pre-Trial Diversion fund under the Prosecutor’s budget was cut by nearly $95,000. 

When discussing the budget for Marshall County Superior Court No. 3 it was suggested that a budget be figured for the entire year.  After review, the council thought that since it will only be functional for half of the year, half of the budget should be cut. That put the final budget for that court at $90,831.

The council members will be deciding on a possible increase for employees after looking at potential per-hour increase scenarios for full-time and part-time impacts on the budget.  Once they look at that information, they will make a determination prior to the formal budget adoption.