Plymouth Redevelopment Commission Members Updated on TIF Projects

The Plymouth Redevelopment Commission members were updated on several projects within the city’s TIF Districts during their meeting last week.

The parking lot paving project at the Dr. Susan Bardwell Aquatic Center has started. Marshall County Economic Development Corporation President and CEO Jerry Chavez said the parking lot should be done by the end of this month to round out that project. 

As for the manufacturing center proposed to be built at 2809 Jim Neu Drive in Plymouth, City Attorney Sean Surrisi said he is working to prepare lease paperwork for the building.  The main component is the appraisal which will be done soon.  Once that is done, a lease rate can be included in the paperwork. 

Surrisi added that landscaping work is being done at River Gate South. 

The Centennial Crossing project is moving along with the construction of apartment buildings along Plymouth-Goshen Trail and Randolph Street.  City Attorney Sean Surrisi commented that variances with the PUD zoning for the development will be before the Plan Commission in September as the spacing between some of the single family homes will differ from the original plans. 

Additionally, officials with the Centennial Crossings project are communicating with Plymouth park officials about extending a walking trail from the park through the development.