Marshall County Council Works on 2021 Budget

Marshall County department heads went before the Marshall County Council members last week to go over budgets and funding requests for 2021. 

First, Auditor Julie Fox stated that the county’s assessed valuation hasn’t been certified yet as a lot of things remain unsettled due to COVID-19.  She did say that the preliminary estimate of the Civil Max Levy is $11,126,777.  The Property Tax Revenue estimate is $8,824,556.  The General Fund stands at a preliminary estimate at $13,602,996. 

There is $878,667 in funding requests that need to be considered as a cut to the budget in order to stay within the levy. 

The department heads figured in a $1,500 increase for full-time employee raises which results in an increase of $300,000. 

The budget will be posted on Gateway on the Indiana Department of Local Government Finance’s website in the last week of August. 

The council members will narrow down the budget when they meet in September.