Marshall County Council Reviews Additional Appropriation Request for Work at County Building

Marshall County Buildings and Grounds Maintenance Director Doug Masterson asked for an additional appropriation to do some work at the Marshall County Building.

Masterson previously explained that the outside doors at the County Building are difficult to open and close and the ADA function no longer operates so they need to be replaced.  The concrete around the entrances will also need to be redone while the doors are being replaced. 

Additionally, the curb is crumbling on the west side of the County Building, and other concrete areas adjacent to the building are disintegrating and pulling away from the building which could cause water issues.  He recommended replacing all of that. 

Councilwoman Penny Lukenbill asked if the curb would be the responsibility of the city, but Masterson said it has been an ongoing discussion with the city about that responsibility.  Commissioner Stan Klotz said he recently talked to City Attorney Sean Surrisi who indicated that he would look into the issue.

About $14,000 of the $140,000 additional appropriation request was expected to go toward air filtration systems at the Courthouse, Annex and County Building, but since the council voted not to approve any CARES Act reimbursement requests until the commissioners have prioritized a list of needs, Marshall County Commission President Kevin Overmyer suggested taking out $14,000 of the total cost to reflect that decision.

The total additional appropriation of $126,000 for the concrete and door replacement work passed with a 6 to 1 vote with Councilman Jack Roose opposed to the motion.