Culver Town Council Votes on Solution to Traffic at Chadwick Shores

The Culver Town Council members came to a decision when it comes to reported traffic issues at Chadwick Shores.

Several residents urged the council members in July to consider placing temporary speed bumps in the area as some neighbors thought that people were driving too fast in the area where a number of kids play outdoors. 

Since that time, the council members have reviewed several letters that outlined a supportive stance and those who are against temporary speed bumps.  There is also a concern that once a temporary speed bump is placed there, more requests would be submitted for other areas in town where there are not speed bumps in any location in town.

One resident who lives in the area suggested that the issue be worked out between neighbors while another asked about how many calls the Culver Police Department has gotten concerning the speeding issue and did not want speed bumps because it would damage golf carts.

After more discussion, the town council members thought the best solution would be a crosswalk instead of temporary speed bumps.  They unanimously approved a motion to put a crosswalk in the area with signs urging drivers to yield to pedestrians.  The signs would be similar to the ones seen on Lake Shore Drive in town and would be placed on the side of the crosswalk.  The crosswalks would be paint only and not pavers as seen on the crosswalks on Lake Shore Drive.

Culver Town Council President Ginny Bess Munroe stated that the safety measure will be monitored to see if it solves the problems in the area.