Bremen Town Council Opens Bids for Downtown Project

Bids for the downtown revitalization project in Bremen were opened by the Bremen Town Council members on Monday afternoon.

Crews will be replacing sidewalks and curbs, and installing new lighting and beautification efforts as part of the downtown revitalization project.  The project is part of the county’s Regional Development Plan in the Regional Stellar Communities Initiative  which will benefit from grant dollars from the Office of Community and Rural Affairs. 

Bids were submitted from Rieth Riley, Phend and Brown, R. Yoder Construction, and Walsh and Kelly.  Bids ranged from $1.1 million to $1.275 million with R. Yoder Construction with the lowest bid.  The council agreed to take those bids under advisement. 

A bid will be awarded rather quickly in order to issue a notice to proceed.  It is the town’s plan to start this process following INDOT’s utility work which is currently underway.  Plymouth Street is currently closed between Montgomery Street and Washington Street for that project that is expected to be complete in September.