Lincoln Junior High Students to Occupy New Building This Fall

Construction on the Lincoln Junior High School in Plymouth is nearly complete. 

Work began at the site of the new school building in the spring of 2018 and Plymouth Community School Superintendent Andy Hartley said it will be open and ready to welcome students this fall.  He said the final pieces are being put into place including technology components and audio/visual equipment in the classrooms, while the finishing touches are being done in the cafeteria and gymnasium. 

Hartley added that paving around the building is all done and the final pass on the tile floors will be done this week.  A few touch-up items remain, but they can be worked on as time progresses.

In the meantime, the demolition of the old building will begin in about two weeks.  A recent online auction of old items from the building went well, according to Hartley, who thanked all who took part in purchasing items no longer needed by the school corporation.  He thanked Gobles and Remax for taking care of the auction.