Marshall County Commissioner Review Proposed Unsafe Building Ordinance

Marshall County Building Commissioner Chuck DeWitt presented an update on the Unsafe Building Board and a proposed ordinance to the Marshall County Commissioners this week.

DeWitt said the makeup of the board has changed.  DeWitt, Faith Chapman and Plan Director Ty Adley have removed themselves from the board in order to welcome a different membership.  They will continue to present information to the board as needed.  The purpose of the board is to pursue code compliance and as a way of protecting the health, safety, and environment of the general public.

The makeup of the board will include a member of each municipality in the county with one appointment by the commissioners, one by the county council and one Social Services advocate appointed by the commissioners. 

Included in the ordinance is a new fee schedule for non-compliance of violations cited.  The first offense will result in a $50 fine per day, the second offense will be a $100 fine per day, and the third offense will be a $200 fine per day until the violations are remedied. 

The commissioners accepted the ordinance as it was presented.  It will be published as new fees are involved with the ordinance.  It would be up for public hearing at the commissioners’ next meeting with consideration of approval on the first reading on Monday, July 6.