Argos Town Council Considers Tax Abatement for Topp Industries

An estimated $520,000 capital investment is being made at the Topp Industries facility in Argos. 

Company officials told the Argos Town Council members on Wednesday night in a public hearing on the matter that they will invest in rotational molding equipment which will, in turn, help retain 13 full-time employees.  It is also expected to increase the payroll by 4 to 8 new full-time positions. 

According to the Marshall County Economic Development Corporation, the expansion is supported by a 7-year phase-in personal property tax abatement.

The Argos Town Council members approved the tax abatement request after closing the public hearing.  They previously designated the area on Dewey Street as an Economic Revitalization Area. 

MCEDC representatives say Topp Industries started in 1988 in a garage where it has grown into an internationally recognized brand in sump, sewage and wastewater products.