Marshall County Council Reviews Additional Appropriation Requests from Sheriff

The Marshall County Council members looked at several additional appropriation requests Monday morning.

Marshall County Sheriff Matt Hassel requested an additional appropriation in the amount of $25,000 out of the Jail Lit Special Purpose fund to tend to expenses in the ACLU lawsuits.  The current charges from the law firm handling the cases exceed what is available in that account.  The cases aren’t resolved and the sheriff anticipates more expenses.  The council approved the request with a unanimous vote.

Sheriff Hassel also requested $50,000 to house prisoners at another jail to help keep down the population at the jail.  The cost would be $40 a day for 10 inmates at 185 days at another facility.  Marshall County Commission President Kevin Overmyer said that an agreement was reached to house inmates at the Elkhart County Jail.  It was noted that the current population was 189 on Monday morning.  The council previously appropriated $25,000 for that purpose and that money remains untouched. 

The council unanimously voted to deny the request for the additional appropriation.  They commented that the jail population is under the overcrowding threshold and will appropriate money as it is needed when the time comes.  It will be reevaluated at a future date. 

As previously reported, an additional appropriation for $60,000 to fund the Jail Program Director out of the Jail LIT Special Purpose Fund was denied.  County officials are awaiting word if a grant to fund the position was approved.