Marshall County Council Looks at Proposed Job Descriptions

The Marshall County Council members reviewed the last three job descriptions needed to complete the process to match with the county’s salary ordinance.

On Monday, Human Resources Administrator Ann Anglin asked the council to approve the job descriptions for the Jail Program Director, Lake Patrol Seasonal Deputy and Personal Property Data Collector.  The job descriptions were approved with a unanimous vote. 

Sheriff Matt Hassel is applying for a grant for the position of Jail Program Director.  The salary is $53,599 with additional funds needed for health insurance, PERF, life insurance, and Social Security.  He asked for an additional appropriation out of the Jail Special Purpose LIT Fund for $60,000 to cover the wages.  The grant funds would reimburse the money out of that fund. 

A motion was made to deny that additional appropriation until it is known if the grant is received.  The council wants to make sure that grant money funds the position as originally proposed.  The motion was unanimously approved.

The council members also voted unanimously to approve the salary ordinance with the addition of the Jail Program Director position.