Marshall County Health Nurse Gives COVID-19 Update

Marshall County Health Nurse Lisa Letsinger presented an update on COVID-19 when she met with county officials and employees Friday morning.

She said drive-thru testing has been conducted and while several tests were completed, the results won’t be ready for a few days yet.  As of Friday, there are no confirmed positive COVID-19 cases in Marshall County.

She stresses that residents should follow the guidelines set forth by the CDC and the Indiana State Department of Health.

“Letsinger commented, “That includes social distancing, good hygiene and follow all of the governor’s recommendations.”

Letsinger cautioned the department heads when allowing the public into their offices by appointment.

“If they are symptomatic, they need to go home or make an appointment or do things online or by phone.  As things progress and if we get to widespread community spread we need to do our due diligence and notate who were they in contact with, how many people were they in contact with because what will happen is the Health Department will be tasked with doing an investigation.  Those are the types of things I will need to know.”

Disinfecting surfaces is key after a patron’s visit. 

Currently, the Marshall County Building is closed to the public, but appointments can be made to see office holders, but it is highly discouraged.   Residents are asked to either call or do business online. 

Commission President Kevin Overmyer said any employees showing signs of illness need to go home.