Marshall County Commissioners Review Information on Jail HVAC Control Quotes

Marshall County Jail Maintenance Director John Greer told the county commissioners this week that new controls need to be added to run the new rooftop heating and cooling units at the Marshall County Sheriff’s Department. 

He said the controls are obsolete and cannot be repaired.  The computer program is not fully operational and the sensors aren’t in good working order.

Greer recommended working with Control Solutions to provide new controls and sensors.  The cost of the controls is $27,373 plus $5,492 for sensors. 

Dynamic Mechanical Services, the company who is installing the new rooftop units once fair weather arrives, will refund the county $1,200 as they would pay the company to complete the work. 

The total cost of almost $33,000 would come out of the Jail Maintenance Fund.

The commissioners approved the purchase with a unanimous vote.