Argos Town Council Looking Toward Stellar Projects

Design proposal provided by The Troyer Group

The Argos Town Council members are looking forward to getting the town’s projects started that are outlined in the Regional Development Plan in the Marshall County Crossroads Regional Stellar Initiative.

The council members held a workshop Wednesday night to talk more about the proposed Pond Park project.  The town received a grant through the DNR for a portion of the project which includes fishing piers, a parking lot, playground, removal of some trees and the planting of other trees, a walking trail around the entire park, and the development of a pollinator park on two acres of land. 

The DNR grant provides $250,000 with a match of $250,000 from the town. 

The Stellar funds toward the project equal about $500,000 which would add more fishing piers, a gazebo, a parking lot expansion, and other features not included in the DNR grant. 

The discussion last week was for the town to fully fund Pond Park so the Stellar funds would fully fund the proposed downtown square project.

For planning purposes, the town is calling it Pond Park, but the town will ask the public to rename the park. 

The town anticipates work on the Pond Park project to begin this year.