Culver Police, Park Looking to Purchase Security Camera Systems

Two Culver department officials are looking to upgrade security cameras and systems.

Culver Police Chief Wayne Bean told the town council members last week that he’s been working with Vermillion Systems out of Walkerton to purchase new cameras and update the DVR system that is over a decade old.

“I’d like to install six cameras.  That is more than what we have now,” he explained.  “We’re going to work with the clerk and put a camera in the lobby up there because of the stuff they handle.  I think it’s in the best interest of the town for that.”

Bean said it may cost around $6,500 for what he needs, but he will present a purchase request in a future meeting.

Park Superintendent Amber Cowell has also been speaking with the same company for security at the piers and at the park.  Those discussions continue as internet availability seems to be a stumbling block.