Marshall County Commissioners Approve Design Firm for Courthouse Clock Tower Project

The Marshall County Courthouse clock tower renovation project continues to move forward.

On Monday, the commissioners approved a motion to enter into negotiations with Rowland Design to assist with the design to renovate the Courthouse Clock Tower.

Previously, Principal Investigator Kurt Garner said the county received matching grant funds from the Indiana Department of Natural Resources Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology Principal Investigator for this work to be done.  The county received $25,000 in reimbursable grant funds that will be matched the same by the county.

The main issues are the deterioration of paint and wood on the Clock Tower. 

It is the hope to have restoration efforts done by the courthouse’s 150th celebration in 2022.  The drawings are anticipated to be released for bids in 2020 with potential restoration efforts done in 2021 which will be just in time for the celebration.