Bremen Town Council Approves Advertisement for Street Department Help

Bremen Water, Storm Water and Street Superintendent Alex Mikel asked permission from the Bremen Town Council members Monday to hire two part-time employees. 

Bremen Director of Operations Trend Weldy added that he spoke about the need for employees with Mikel and funding requirements with Clerk-Treasurer Janet Anglemyer.

One full-time employee is moving to the Electric Department which leaves the position open, but with MVH funding coming in at a loss, Mikel discussed hiring options to ensure the best solution to the need of employment in his department.  It was found that two-part time positions would best suit immediate needs. 

The council members approved the request.  According to the hiring notice, the desired candidates would need to possess a valid CDL, with an air brake endorsement.  Duties would include snow plowing, street sweeping, leaf collection, painting curbs and parking areas, plus other various work. 

For more information, call 574-546-2044.