Culver Town Council to Consider Interlocal Agreement

The Culver Town Council members were presented an interlocal agreement concerning the Marshall County Crossroads Regional Stellar Communities Initiative.

Stellar Executive Team Member and Town Council President Ginny Bess Munroe said the agreement is similar to what the town council members approved last year when Marshall County applied to be a Regional Stellar Community.  However this year’s agreement gives a lot of the decision making to the planning team with the county’s municipal leaders.

“If for some reason a project fell through – like, let’s say one of the towns couldn’t do the match or it just doesn’t even qualify and OCRA just won’t fund it and we have to move a project from the complimentary list up because we still want to get those funds, the Crossroads team would be deciding on which of those projects would move up, but they would be communicating with the municipalities,” explained Munroe. 

The council members are expected to act on the document at their next meeting.  It has to be approved by the time the team goes down to Indianapolis to make their presentation to state officials on Nov. 12.  The Regional Stellar designee will be announced in December.