Marshall County Council Considers Support for Stellar Projects

The Marshall County Crossroads Stellar Communities Team is moving forward with projects to include in this year’s Regional Development Plan due in September and two leaders from the organization updated the county council on efforts this week.

Ginny Bess Munroe told the council that she and the team wanted to “plant the seed” of funding assistance for projects within the plan. 

She said about 30 people sit on the primary committee while a total of over 100 people are involved with the planning process along with several organization representatives to focus on quality of life issues and localized projects in each municipality.

“The mission of our team is to inspire each of our communities to collaborate with each other and create high quality hometowns,” said Munroe. 

Munroe added that if the county is designated as a Regional Stellar Community, the county would receive at least $12 million, with the possibility of up to $15 million or $16 million, depending on whether or not they take part in the tax credit program through the Indiana Housing and Community Development authority. 

A 20 percent match is required for every project proposed in the Regional Development Plan and asked the council for the support of $50,000 for four years to secure that type of funding for the successful completion of these projects.  Each of the municipalities will be making similar pledges for their specific projects.

The council will discuss the county’s contribution in upcoming budget discussions.