Bremen Town Council Approves Support for Stellar Project Funding

The Bremen Town Council members pledged funding support for the town’s three projects included in this year’s Regional Development Plan for the Marshall County Crossroads Regional Stellar Communities Designation Initiative. 

Bremen Director of Operations Trend Weldy presented a resolution to the council last week.

“This is just saying that the Town of Bremen would get the Stellar designation, we have four years to come up with this kind of money to help us secure the project that we’re trying to do on our project list,” said Weldy. 

The money would only need to be appropriated over the course of four years if the county is designated as a Regional Stellar Community.

About $500,000 will go toward the pool improvement project, $260,000 for the Jackson Street flex street project, and about $50,000 for the renovation of the old church on South Street into a community center.

The town council members approved the resolution with a unanimous vote.