Marshall County Commissioners to Receive Proposals for Additional Pod at Jail

With the rising population numbers at the Marshall County Jail, the Marshall County Commissioners are looking to add an inmate housing pod to alleviate some overcrowding issues.

The way the jail is currently built, it holds about 238 beds and the last reported jail population in a public meeting was reported at 265.  Sheriff Matt Hassel urged the county to begin discussions last year when the jail population was rising to the overcrowding stage. 

Commission President Kevin Overmyer said Monday morning that architects with RQAW are putting together a proposal for another pod to be built onto the jail.  The jail was built 20 years ago with a potential addition in the plans..  The commissioners could decide to build half of a pod or a whole pod, as plans and funds allow. 

The county will work with Todd Samuelson with Baker Tilly to determine how bond financing could be done.  They will consult with Samuelson on if the county would go with the original bond counsel of Ice Miller or Barnes and Thornburg when moving forward with the process. 

Proposals will be considered in a future meeting of the Marshall County Commissioners.  No decisions have been made so far.