Marshall County Commissioners Consider Fuel Services Agreement

The Marshall County Commissioners considered an agreement extension with Ceres for fuel services.

Highway Superintendent Jason Peters said the county has contracted with the company for the past five years.   The company installed the equipment and pumps which they maintain.  The county has been paying a fee toward the purchase of the equipment and once the county owns it Ceres will continue to maintain the equipment. 

The company also orders the fuel as they can keep track of the level of fuel in the tanks.  Peters said he gets a reading every morning of the levels and the county has not had any problems with the fuel.

He said the relationship with the company has been “fantastic” and representatives always respond quickly to any issue the county has.  The county also sees a considerable savings with the fuel as gasoline and diesel prices are lower than other companies in the county. 

Peters said as of Monday morning, July 1, the diesel price for the county was $2.21 a gallon and gasoline was $1.87 a gallon.

Peters recommended renewing with the company.  County Attorney Jim Clevenger noted that every three years the county should seek bids or quotes for the service, unless the county sees unique savings, special circumstances and satisfaction with service, then the county could extend the contract. 

The commissioners did see that those qualifications exist to find a special circumstance to unanimously approve an extension of the contract for five years with Ceres.