Local Business Donates Funds for Culver Community Schools Student Lunch Accounts

Some students at the Culver Community Schools Corporation will get help paying for lunch. A donation from First National Bank of Monterey was accepted during last week’s school board meeting, according to Superintendent Karen Shuman.

“That provided any students that are free and reduced a negative lunch account balance starting the next school year,” she explains. “So that will help a lot of families with the start of August and not having to worry about paying past-due accounts.”

Meanwhile, Shuman says several children continued to take advantage of the free meals provided by the USDA’s Summer Food Service Program during the month of June. “For breakfast, we served 1,053 students and 85 adults, and for lunch, we served 1,635 students and 203 adults,” she says.

Shuman says the school corporation served breakfast at three locations and lunch at five locations last month, as part of the federally-funded program.