Bremen Town Council Discusses Stop Signs at Intersections

The Bremen Traffic Committee gave the town council members recommendations on a couple of recent requests.

During their July 8 meeting, Bremen Director of Operations Trend Weldy said he received a request for stop signs at the intersection of Jackson and Mill Streets.  Council Member Rick Graverson said there are a lot of kids in the area along with fast moving traffic. 

Initial comments were made by Street Superintendent Alex Mikel during that meeting.  He said the placement of a stop sign would take away parking spots in an area where there is limited residential parking, but he said the Traffic Committee would look into it.

During Monday’s meeting, Mikel said the committee members would not recommend a stop sign in that location.

“At this time we don’t see any improvements that we can make to help with that situation besides increasing police patrols to monitor that situation to make sure that cars aren’t excessively speeding,” stated Mikel. 

The Traffic Committee members did recommend making the intersection of North Street and Indiana a four-way stop.  Two signs would be added on North Street to increase safety.  Weldy commented that there are kids who walk to school in that area.  The Bremen Town Council members unanimously approved the recommendation as presented.