Marshall County Council to Consider Employee Raises in 2020

The question of employee raises in 2020 came up during pre-budget discussions during the Marshall County Council meeting Monday morning.

Department heads will soon receive paperwork to prepare their budgets for 2020 for any large expenditures or salary revisions.  Those details will be hammered out during budget discussions in July.

Councilwoman Penny Lukenbill stressed that the Waggoner, Irwin and Scheele range of pay really needs more dissection as some of the comparable counties in the report aren’t considered to be that much similar to Marshall County.  She said it’s taking so long because they’re being careful to determine proper salary ranges that the budget can support.  If the council goes with the Waggoner, Irwin and Scheele recommendations, Council President Judy Stone said the county council would need to raise taxes.    

As the review of the wages continues, the council talked about plugging in a number in the budget paperwork for a possible employee raise.  They thought about a percentage increase or a flat rate like last year.  Last year it was $1,000 for full-time employees.  The council agreed on an hourly rate to be determined for the purpose of advertisement. 

It’s not guaranteed that the raises will be included in the budget following cuts, but the numbers will be included in case funding supports the proposed raises.