Marshall County Branding, Marketing Plan to Move Forward

A plan to brand and market Marshall County will move forward.

Marshall County Economic Development Corporation President and CEO Jerry Chavez asked the commissioners for their blessing this week to launch the concepts developed by Lou Pierce from Big Idea. 

The idea is to help draw education possibilities, manufacturing, business, and local and rural atmosphere in Marshall County.  It involves a video, a powerpoint presentation, billboards, and advertisements on several media platforms.  A new logo was developed with a positioning statement of “far from nothing, close to everything”.

Chavez said this plan does a lot of things for the county, including another bid at a Regional Stellar Designation. 

“It would be nice to encompass that whole exercise with the new plan itself,” said Chavez.  “As I had recommended to a number of people on different occasions, even though we weren’t successful in being designated as Stellar, I think it’s important to kind of leverage that opportunity as we go forward just to let others understand that we hit at least one of the milestones, if you will.”

The commissioners approved the plan as presented with a unanimous vote.  The budget for the plan is about $36,000 to $41,000.