Argos Officials Issue Winter Reminders, Encourage Residents to Sign Up for REACH Alert

Argos officials have issued a few winter reminders for citizens as snowfall is anticipated throughout the weekend, into next week.

Everyone is reminded to keep sidewalks free of snow and ice. That rule appears under Chapter 94 of the Argos Town Code. Individuals are also encouraged to utilize town parking lots up town to assist with the snow removal process.

Additionally, on the Town website, officials highlighted a notification service that is available to help citizens stay informed about what’s happening in Argos. ‘REACH Alert’ will allow town officials to immediately share important information about a number of items.

According to the information that appears on the website, these items could include waterline breaks or boil water advisories, road closures and delays due to construction or accidents, hazmat situations, AMBER and Silver alerts, police actions and civic events.

The only way that residents will be reached is if they register for the service. Individuals can decide whether they’d rather receive a text message, voice call or an email. Households have the ability to register up to four phone numbers and four email addresses.

For more information about how to get signed up for the service visit the REACH Alert page on the town website.