Argos Town Council Members Select Troyer Group to Conduct Feasibility Study

The Troyer Group was recently selected to assist the Town of Argos with a feasibility study pertaining to a potential building project that is being considered.

The idea behind the hypothetical project is that a facility would be constructed to house the EMS and Fire Departments as they’ve outgrown their current location.

Back in October, grant writer Shannon McLeod from Priority Project Resources informed town council members about a 90/10 matching grant available through the Office of Community and Rural Affairs that they could possibly apply for to help with the cost.

The role the Troyer Group will play during this process is that they’ll be conducting a feasibility study which means they’ll be collecting data to help measure the potential impact such a project would have on the town.

Clerk-Treasurer Lisa Mullaney said this process will take approximately three months to complete. She noted that during that time, Troyer Group representatives will be sending out surveys to personnel in the EMS and Fire Departments.

She noted that they’ll also be investigating how cost-effective the project would be and will work to determine the Town’s potential financial eligibility to see if they’d qualify for the OCRA grant. The results of the study would be included with the grant application which will be due during the next grant round in the spring.

Mullaney emphasized that nothing is set in stone and that the results of the feasibility study will help officials reach a decision about what next steps to take. She added that even if they decide to pursue this opportunity, anything beyond planning won’t take place for another couple of years.

Author’s note:
I want to personally apologize for an earlier article about this topic that indicated that the council members had reached a final decision about the project. The way the initial story was worded was misleading and I am sorry for any confusion that it caused. It has since been amended to reflect the fact that officials are still very much in the preliminary stages of considering the possibility.