Bremen Town Council to Consider Use Policy at Compost Site

Those living outside the Bremen town limits may soon be permitted to drop off brush, leaves, grass clippings, or other yard waste at the town compost facility in 2019.

Bremen Director of Operations Trend Weldy said the Bremen Town Council members took up the discussion Monday afternoon.

“In the past we have allowed out-of-towners, like Lake of the Woods residents and Donnybrook residents, to come in a buy a card to use our facility, but they abused it,” commented Weldy. “They brought other stuff besides their leaves so we did away with that two years ago. Now, we’re talking about bringing that back.”

There are cameras at the facility and violators can be identified.

Weldy said card fees will be considered during a special meeting yet to be scheduled after the first of the year. Efforts to step up enforcement may occur following discussion during the January meeting.

“There’s no real way for us to police it. We’re going to set up a small meeting here the first of January and discuss what we’re going to charge and get something out. We’ll figure out how we’re going to monitor it.”

Weldy added that the town did gather a profit up to $2,500 by issuing the permit cards to Lake of the Woods and Donnybrook residents.