Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety Consider Sewer Deposit Reduction

David’s Courage Co-Founder Gregg Erickson appeared before the Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety members Monday night to request a waiver or reduction in the sewer deposit fee at the facility at 10924 Lincoln Highway in Plymouth.

Officials at David’s Courage will be offering addiction rehabilitation programs and classes to help addicts get the life tools necessary to become productive members of society.

The facility has sewer service only through the City of Plymouth while water is provided by a well system. Erickson said the not-for-profit organization recently acquired the property from the Marshall County Commissioners and the utilities need to be turned over to the name of David’s Courage.

The deposit is about $830 and is applied to the final bill. Utility Superintendent Donnie Davidson said the number is determined to be one-and-a-half times the highest monthly bill of the previous occupant.

Davidson also noted that the lift station at the site has an issue where ground water enters the system and it is a violation of sewer ordinances. Clear water cannot enter sewer systems as it overwhelms sewer lines and may cause basement flooding. Davidson added that the forced main into the city connection at the manhole does not belong to the city.

In the history of these requests, Clerk-Treasurer Jeanine Xaver said that the board has not completely waived deposit fees for not-for-profit organizations.

A motion was made by Board member Jeff Houin to reduce the fee to $500 which was approved by board members Duane Culp, Shiloh Milner, Jeff Houin, and Bill Walters. Mayor Mark Senter opposed the vote.