Marshall County REMC Receives Funding to Improve Services

The U.S. Department of Agriculture announced Wednesday that the entity is investing $398.5 million to improve rural electric service in 13 states and Marshall County REMC will receive a portion of that funding.

According to the USDA, the investments are made through the Electric Infrastructure Loan Program. The release states that the loan guarantees financing of the construction of electric distribution, transmission, and generation facilities, including system improvements and replacement required to furnish and improve electric service in rural areas, as well as demand side management, energy efficiency and conservation programs, and on-grid and off-grid renewable energy systems.

Marshall County REMC is receiving a $9.5 million loan to build 11 miles of line, improve 59 miles and make other system improvements. Marshall County provides electric service to 7,200 customers over 1,070 miles of line in Elkhart, Fulton, Kosciusko, Marshall, St. Joseph, and Starke Counties.