Marshall County Commissioners Support Body Scanner Purchase

The Marshall County Sheriff’s Department is one step closer to getting a body scanner.

Sheriff Matt Hassel explained to the Marshall County Commissioners Tuesday morning that the device would be used to scan those arrested to determine if any illegal contraband is being brought into the jail. The scanner would be able to show if the detainee had ingested any drugs that could potentially cause a serious health problem if otherwise undetected.

Hassel said that the scanner would be placed in the area where the prisoner would be strip-searched which is located in the general intake and booking space.

Those simply visiting the jail would not be subjected to the use of the body scanner.

The sheriff presented three quotes for body scanners to the commissioners. They unanimously approved the quote from Command Sourcing in the amount of $138,000 with an additional four-year warranty at a cost of $20,000. It wasn’t the lowest quote, but the approved proposal includes a wall shield to protect the jailer who is operating the scanner. The company who provided the lowest quote would add that cost to the base quote which would have made it more than the approved quote.

The measure will now go before the Marshall County Council next week for consideration and appropriation of funds.