Bids Opened for Fall Street and Sidewalk Projects in Plymouth

The Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety members opened bids last week for the upcoming street and sidewalk projects.

The lowest bid was submitted by Reith Riley out of South Bend with a bid total of $458,856.76. The other bids received were from E&B Paving at about $509,000 and Walsh and Kelly, Inc. for about $478,000.

City Engineer Rick Gaul asked the board if he could take the bids under advisement with discussions to occur with Clerk-Treasurer Jeanine Xaver, Street Superintendent Jim Marquardt, City Attorney Sean Surrisi, and Mayor Mark Senter concerning funding.

Marquardt said he listed the projects in terms of priority so funds can be used to repair the areas in need of rehabilitation. Randolph Street between Baker to the river bridge ranked the highest priority with Bailey Street from Jackson to Shalley and Pearson Place from Hillcrest to Felix Place as the next few on the list. Also included are Bayless Street from Webster south to alley, Jackson Street from Michigan to Bailey, Baker Street from Randolph to Columbus and South Michigan from Lemler to Oakhill.

The projects chosen will be complete near the end of the year, weather permitting.