Marshall County Council Approves Grant Application for Preparedness Coordinator

Marshall County Health Administrator Christine Stinson will be applying for a grant to pay for the part-time salary for the emergency preparedness coordinator.

She told the Marshall County Council members this week that she already applied for the grant that was due by the end of June as the position is considered to be active from July 1 to June 30.

Marshall County Emergency Preparedness Coordinator Theresa Budd has been in the position since January of this year and has done a lot so far in her seven months on the job.

“I’ve been working on the Narcan grant because that was already in place when I came and so I’ve done a lot of Narcan training,” said Budd. “I did the CPR instructor class so I’m able to start doing some CPR and heart saver classes for the community. I’ve gone through all of the emergency preparedness classes and I was just down in Indianapolis for the mass prophylaxis training.”

The total grant is for $16,085.

The county council unanimously approved the grant application request.

Listen during tomorrow’s Maximum Impact program to hear more about other programs the health department is working on and another item requested by a county council member. Maximum Impact airs Sunday at noon on MAX 98.3 FM.