Bremen Town Council Opens Bids for Lift Station Project

The Bremen Town Council members opened bids for the proposed lift station project.

Bremen Director of Operations Trend Weldy said there weren’t as many bids as they hoped.

“We gave bids to six different companies and only two companies bid,” explained Weldy. “It wasn’t what we expected, but we got some bid numbers. We took them under advisement. We had Haskins Underground and Selge Construction as the two companies that bid. We broke it out into three divisions: Division A, Division B and Division C and then they put them all together the final amount was close to where we thought it would be.”

Haskins Underground submitted a total bid around $1.2 million while Selge Construction’s bid was $1.12 million. The town engineer will review the specifications to be sure that the bids meet the needs of the project. The town council members will award a bid at their next meeting.

All of the lift stations will get upgrades, but it will be divided into two phases. Another phase will occur next year.