New Monitoring Systems to be Installed at Culver’s Largest Lift Stations

culver town hall

Culver Town Council members considered purchasing new monitoring systems for the town’s two largest lift stations when they met last week.

Town Manager Jonathan Leist presented two quotes from Peerless Midwest.

The first quote was to replace the system for the town’s largest lift station on Prado Street. Leist explained the current monitoring system on that station hasn’t been functional for about a month. He added that the proposed system would be a slight upgrade.

He told council members that it would be able to contact Utility Superintendent Bob Porter more directly if there were ever any issues.

“The previous one sent a signal to a computer out at the street garage and then that computer actually texted Bob.” Leist explained, “This would be a little more direct. It has a SIM card right there at the station and the card would send a text to Bob that the machine’s down or that there are problems there.”

The second quote was to add the same kind of monitoring system to the next largest lift station on Madison Street.

Leist said that without the text-based monitoring systems, the lift-stations only have a light and a siren on top that go off when there’s a problem. He explained that system isn’t as reliable because you have to count on someone not only noticing it but also calling it in to Superintendent Porter.

He mentioned that the new monitoring systems would be $5,800 each, for a total cost of $11,600. Leist recommended approving both quotes since the lift stations on Prado and Madison would cause the most issues if they backed up and went unnoticed.

Both quotes from Peerless Midwest received unanimous council approval.