Argos Officials Focus on Making the Town More “Walk-Able” As a Potential Stellar Project

Argos Clerk-Treasurer Lisa Mullaney said that officials continue to nail down some of the projects they would like to include the county’s Regional Stellar Communities application.

Mullaney noted that nothing has been finalized but there are a few different things that officials are currently considering. Out of all of the potential ideas, Mullaney said there is one that seems like it would be the most beneficial for all Argos residents.

“One of them is walking trails to make the whole town walk-able.” Mullaney continued, “If we were to get that, it would definitely serve every member of our community instead of it being a project just for one section of town, this would serve everybody.”

The clerk-treasurer added that it was really helpful that all the involved municipalities were already involved with quarterly meetings hosted by the Marshall County Economic Development Corporation before embarking on this Stellar journey.

She said, “We are using that as kind of a step up on the Stellar because we are already a county of communities working together.”

Marshall County leaders, as well as officials from the city of Plymouth and the towns of Argos, Bremen, Bourbon, Culver and LaPaz will be working closely over the next few months to work toward a common goal and to finalize the region’s plan.

OCRA representatives note that Regional Development Plans are due by 4 p.m on September 21 and that two designees will be determined before the end of the year.