Marshall County Commissioners Hear Part-Time Security Proposal

A security guard will always be on duty at the Marshall County Building.

Marshall County Sheriff Matt Hassel told the Marshall County Commissioners this week that it was brought to his attention that county employees were without a security guard when he was recently on vacation. He said it made a difference to the peace of mind of the county workers.

Sheriff Hassel explained that it’s often difficult to find an officer to maintain hours at the county building.

“I brought a proposal to the safety committee that we use off-duty deputies and jail officers who are reserve officers from another department to fill in when the security officers are on benefit or sick time. The committee voted to move forward with that idea.”

Sheriff Hassel said he will seek permission from the county council to spend $15,000 in his budgets for this position.

The commissioners unanimously approved support of Sheriff Hassel’s recommendation and the funding request will go before the county council members for consideration.