Marshall County Engineer/Director Position Still Open

The Marshall County Commissioners are still looking to fill the county’s engineer/director position at the county highway department. Commission President Kevin Overmyer said no resumes had been received as of Tuesday morning.

Commissioner Mike Delp said Highway Supervisor Jason Peters has made an offer to hire a clerk at the highway department. Delp added that since things are in a transition phase at the moment, others should be involved when hiring a parts manager.

“To choose our parts and assistant clerk position, I think somebody else ought to be a part of that besides Jason,” said Delp. “I would make a motion for the parts department that Jerry Ambrose and myself be a part of that committee to choose the parts manager at the highway department and I [sic] and Jason would be for the assistant clerk.”

That motion was seconded by Kurt Garner. Delp and Garner voted in support of the motion while Commissioner Kevin Overmyer opposed the motion.

After the vote, Delp discussed contacting Waggoner, Irwin and Scheele to come up with a hiring policy for the positions hired by the commissioners and by the highway department.

“My understanding at the sheriff’s department there’s more than one person that makes those decisions,” commented Delp. There’s a process that you go through and interview.”

“But there’s no commissioners on that,” added Overmyer.

“Well, we didn’t have to approve that. I’m saying there needs to be something in the future. Right now we have nothing. That’s my point,” said Delp.

“We don’t tell any of these department heads who to hire. I guess that’s what I’m getting at,” responded Overmyer.

Auditor Julie Fox suggested reviewing job descriptions to see if the process would better define how the chain of hiring is done.