The Marshall County Commissioners went a different route when discussing the floor maintenance contract Monday morning.
The commissioners received several bids for floor cleaning as the work is usually done on a contractural basis. Maintenance Director Doug Masterson is under contract now for $850 a month, or $10,200 a year, which is above his full-time position with the county.
Commissioner Mike Delp asked Consultant Kent Irwin of Waggoner, Irwin and Scheele about the practice of a county employee doing work for the county as an independent contractor and receive 1099 wages to perform similar duties.
“In the end, he says ‘we believe that from a risk management perspective that a classified maintenance supervisor as an independent contractor would pose as a significant liability for the county,’” said Delp.
Delp added that the time to complete the floor cleaning could be done within a little extra time in the work day and pay Masterson overtime for the labor, which follows a recommendation from Waggoner, Irwin and Scheele.
“(Delp) If I understand right, all of the equipment, cleaning supplies and everything is supplied by the county so the independent contractor, you, is not supplying anything but labor. (Masterson) “Right. It’s been like that for – well, they hired me in 2009 as part-time and then I signed my conflict of interest papers. It’s always been like that.”
Commissioner Kurt Garner said that the recommendation seems more logical and more economical than the quotes provided.
Masterson said as long as the overtime is approved, he’d be okay with the arrangements.
The commissioners unanimously approved a motion to allow Masterson be paid overtime to clean the floors. The new arrangement will be effective on Jan. 1, 2018.