Some street and alley projects continue to move ahead in Plymouth. On Monday, the board of works approved a $750 property purchase to solve a migrating alley issue.
Back in June, a neighboring property owner approached the board, after she learned that the land where the alley currently sits actually belongs to her. The section of alley in question runs from Webster Avenue south to Ledyard Street, parallel to Dickman Street.
City Attorney Sean Surrisi says the city is just about finished with the process of buying the additional land. “We got the survey completed and had a title search done and nothing came up there that raised any concerns,” he said. “And we have talked with the Youngs, and we’re going to have a closing on that property on Thursday morning.”
During Monday’s meeting, the board also accepted a quote for crack-sealing work on portions of South Michigan Street and Markley Drive. The same company that’s been doing the work in the past, Pavement Solutions, Inc. of Middletown, submitted the lone bid of just over $67,000. About $17,000 of that will be covered by Community Crossings funding. Street Superintendent Jim Marquardt and City Engineer Rick Gaul will review the quote before issuing a contract.
Additionally, the city received four engineering design proposals for the construction of a canoe launch at River Park Square. It will be up to the park board to make a selection.