Culver School Board to Meet with State School Boards Association Regarding Superintendent Search

Culver Community School CorporationThe Culver School Board continues to gather information about how to proceed with a search for a new superintendent. Chuck Kitchell has been serving in an interim capacity since last December. He plans to continue in that role until the end of this school year, at which point he plans to retire.

Board members Jack Jones and Ryan Sieber have been talking with representatives from the Indiana School Boards Association about the organization’s search services. The ISBA says the process should take about four months, according to Jones.

Kitchell suggested Monday that board members set a firm end date and work backwards. “It takes two board meetings now to hire a superintendent, once you make that decision,” Kitchell said. “The first one, you have to talk about contract, all the information on contract. And then 10 days after that, you can actually hire the superintendent. So working back from May is kind of the process I think you ought to be looking at.”

Typically, the ISBA prefers to open the application process at either the start of Christmas break, or the beginning of January. The service will likely cost the corporation between $1,500 and $2,000, depending on how much help the school board wants. Board members noted that the corporation payed closer to $6,000 for assistance with their last search.

The school board expects to hear a presentation from an ISBA representative during its October 17 meeting.