Triton Superintendent Reports Slight Increase in Enrollment, Provides Project Update

There are some additional students attending the Triton Community School Corporation this school year, according to Superintendent Jeremy Riffle. Riffle said compared to last year’s average daily membership (ADM) count, there are 20 more students enrolled at Triton for the 2018-19 school year.

Superintendent Riffle also mentioned that the ongoing projects happening at Triton are either on track or ahead of schedule. Continue reading

Triton Superintendent Shares that Auxiliary Gym Project is Ahead of Schedule, Other Bond Projects Moving Along as Planned

The ongoing bond projects at the Triton Community School Corporation are all on track to be finished up by their estimated completion dates.

As a reminder, the bond projects include the construction of a new auxiliary gym, renovations to the roof at the Jr./Sr. High School and the installation of a new HVAC system at the Elementary School. Superintendent JeremyRiffle mentioned that the auxiliary gym project is moving along even faster than originally planned. Continue reading

Triton School Officials Hold Groundbreaking Ceremony for New Auxiliary Gym Facility

Board Members Steve Stichter, Terri Barnhart, Amy Middaugh, Director of Facilities Bruce Gephart, Architect Ben Sanchez, Board Member Kenny Miller, Superintendent Jeremy Riffle, Principal Bob Ross. Picture Source: Triton Trojans Facebook Page

A groundbreaking ceremony was held for the Trion Junior-Senior High School auxiliary gym earlier this week.

School officials marked the start of the project on Monday by planting shovels and digging up soil at the site where the new gym will be constructed. Continue reading