Sheriff Gets Approval to Pursue Fingerprint Machine Purchase for Probation Department

Offenders who do not go through the booking process at the Marshall County Jail may soon be fingerprinted in the office of the probation department.

Sheriff Matt Hassel brought the recommendation before the Marshall County Commissioners Monday morning. He said he has been talking with the court about installing a new iTouch Biometrics fingerprinting machine in the probation office.

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Marshall County Council Approves Salary Increases for Court Services

The Marshall County Council discussed an additional appropriation for Superior Court where Judge Dean Colvin asked for money to add to the court services director’s salary and to the substance abuse counselor’s salary.

Judge Colvin explained that the salaries were reduced in 2011 to accommodate cuts that needed to be done due to a lack of revenue and income the programs were receiving. According to Judge Colvin, the programs were turned around, thanks to the addition of Ward Byers to the office in 2013 and personnel in the office.

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