Marshall County Commissioners to Meet Today

The Marshall County Commissioners will meet today where they will talk more about a plan to help brand Marshall County.  Marshall County Economic Development Corporation President and CEO Jerry Chavez and Lou Pierce from the Big Idea Company presented a plan to the commissioners last month that is anticipated to help steer visitors to the county and market to those looking to settle in the Marshall County. 

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Marshall County Commissioners Take Care of Remaining Appointments During Tuesday Meeting

Marshall County Commissioners (L to R) Mike Delp, Kevin Overmyer, Kurt Garner

The Marshall County Commissioners addressed any remaining appointments when they met on Tuesday.

Randy Glingle and Dan Vories were appointed to the Drainage Board, Jan Fisher will serve on the Alcohol Beverage Control Board and Commissioner Kevin Overymyer was appointed to the Central Dispatch Committee as well as the Michiana Area Council of Governments or MACOG.

For the MACOG Regional Development Board, Joe Martin, Jr. was appointed as the private sector representative and Trend Weldy will serve as the Town of Bremen’s rep.

Commissioner Kurt Garner was appointed to the Unsafe Building Committee and the Shady Rest Committee. Continue reading